Slater Electronic Services, SES, is a high-tech consultancy company with special expertise in digital techniques, consisting of a principal consultant plus four occasional associates, with access to a small design and manufacturing unit which has long experience of making electronic equipment in modest quantities. SES specialises in the management of research projects, the submission of proposals for research funding to grant making bodies, and the writing and editing of research reports. Training courses and presentations are also arranged, dealing with new technologies. The principal spent many years as a broadcasting engineer for BBC and the UK IBA, working on transmitters, studios, data broadcasting, teletext, and a wide range of other topics, latterly taking responsibility for research projects in the telecoms field, including a digital communications project aimed at helping elderly and visually impaired people to watch television – AUDETEL. He wrote the submissions to the European Commission and the technical documentation, and then managed the research project. SES successfully managed the SATURN project, a three year, ECU 2.8 million, European Commission funded project relating to smart-cards & terminals that use them, including the radio frequency links between them.